Last month, for the first time in many many years, one of Kihei Rent A Car owners Dave and Sugar’s daughters had every one of her children and grandchildren here on Maui. So of course there had to be a family photo shoot! With the professional and beautiful work of Michael and Kim Fish of Maui Wedding Adventures, Susan Leilani Hunkins was able to pull it off. The pictures will speak a thousand words and the captions will fill you in on all the names. With all of Sue’s family on island, that meant that every one of the Hunkins family was here at the same time. What a gift for all. We are blessed to be healthy and happy and live in one of the most beautiful places (as the pictures show) on the planet.
A hui hou (until we meet again),
The whole Kihei Rent A Car Family

Best Maui baby picture EVER! Frankie Kay reaching out to hug her cousin Cliff.

Shaka from Coralyn, Cory, Ryan, Sue, Mat & Lara

Sue’s beautiful children all together!

Sue & Ryan

Sue & Cory

Sue & Coralyn

Sue & Mat

Daughter-in-laws Allie and Kristi surround Lara with love!

Lara, Sue, Kristi & Frankie Kay

Clark, Cory, Cooper, Cliff, and Allie

Kristi, Frankie Kay, & Ryan

Da Boys and Da Babies

Beauties on the beach!

Sue “Nani” with granddaughter Cooper

Nani with Cliff & Frankie Kay

Nani Sue and Frankie Kay

Grandkids in a tree

Sue with all of her grandkids

Cooper & Clark having fun

The whole clan

So blessed to be together on a beautiful Maui beach!