On the same day we happily received our old friends who came to our Mahalo Celebration, we happily received our new electric bill. It’s hard to see this picture but the tiny black dot all the way to the right of the bar chart is our new usage. We will joyously pay the $48 due since in the past we have paid $1,200 to $1,400 a month. It’s an amazing feeling to wipe out a monthly bill as big as that and help the environment at the same time. Mahalo for that.

Our new normal. $48 a month electric bill.
Mahalo nui loa also for a great weekend and a great party. We celebrated our new photovoltaic system, our new vacant lot, and 23 years of business in Kihei. We also celebrated our May and June Birthdays: Sugar 5/13, Mike L. 5/18, Acacia 5/21, Jayne 5/31 and Todd 6/2.These are all people we are so grateful for!
There was a fun circle track race Saturday night after the Mahalo party. Our girls got out there and ripped around the track in their beat up Sentras. Looks like fun!
What a fun way to start a new month! Lots of food, lots of friends and lots of fun.

Rental Car Racing
Remember to tell your friends we are extending our “summer sale” through June. So, our already low prices will be 10% lower. This is the time to try out Kihei Rent A Car if you haven’t already.
And: THANK YOU , THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who’s been there for us over the last 23 years. Don’t forget to send your Maui Rental Car story to info@kiheirentacar.com We hang up nice letters and stories in our break room so all of our awesome employees can read them.
Next time we will post the recipe for Sugar’s yummy, healthy cookies she brought to the Mahalo Celebration!
Mahalo Nui Loa!